The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is a system of Masonic Levels that elaborates, integrates and expands the contents of the three so called Symbolic Levels of Universal Free Thinking.
In respect of the exclusive Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodges which administer the first 3 levels of the Masonic initiating iter and which are the fundaments of Free Thinking without which Masonry would not exist, the Antique and Accepted Scottish Rite on these bases, raises its structure.
This is defined as the Ritual Pyramid and, working for the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe, offers to the Mason Master, through the series of additional Levels, from IV to XXXIII, a deeper interpretation of the Symbols and further illumination which incites the Mason in the search of truth.
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, among the aims of Universal Free Thinking and according to a eclecticism characteristic of the Speculative Masonry, implements a synthesis of the traditional doctrine: Alchemy, Cabbala, Hermetismo, Rosecrucianism, Templarism etc that proposes to the study of the initiate with the intention of stimulating their critical spirit towards further refinement of their initiating formation. Interior improving and that of the humane Family remains the main objective of the more complex and detailed research which through the numerous progressive phases of the initiating Scottish iter, tends toward achievement in freedom of consciousness with the awareness of the highest problems concerning the Life, Death, Society, Universe and the Divine.
In brief, with simple words, the aim of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is to seek that which is most valuable in the world, that is to honor the dignity of every person, to exalt the humane side of daily activity and to offer the maximun service to the Humanity. The tendency of the practise of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite aspires to achieve a better Humanity in a better world, a happy Humanity in a happier world and a Wiser Humanity in a wiser world.